When looking at homes, a potential homeowner would prefer to new homes over existing homes if they can afford them for several reasons.Design their dream homeIf a homeowner had the choice of designing their home or settling for an existing property, most would choose to design a new one. In new homes, you would get to select which countertops, cabinets, flooring, appliances, light fixtures, color of paint, and more. This home would reflect your style and not someone else’s style.Floor plan and layoutIn a new home, you could choose if you want a one or two story home, where you would want the kitchen to be and how large you want the room, do you want a master bath off the master bedroom, do you want a basement, where will the bedrooms be located, attached garage, and more. With new homes, you can design it the way that fits your needs and taste.Under warrantyBuying an existing property most likely has things that will soon need replaced. With a new home, it and the products that comprise it are under warranty, as they are all brand new. It should be a while before anything needs replaced. For example, if something should happen to the water heater under normal usage, to fix or replace it is covered under the warranty.Cost and energy savingsNew homes today are more energy-efficient that homes that were built ten or more years ago. Your new home will have energy-efficient appliances, energy-efficient windows that are double or triple pane, and more. Older homes may be drafty and not as cost savings as a new home and have older outdated appliances and HVAC systems.Community amenitiesToday new homes are built in subdivisions and communities that offer a pool, clubhouse, fitness center, and more. Older homes are built in neighborhoods and subdivisions that do not offer these amenities.SafetyIn new homes, you will find state-of-the art circuit breakers that do not seem to blow every time you plug in or turn on an appliance. Garage door openers now come with infrared beams that will stop the door from closing if a child or something is too near the door. New homes also have high efficiency air conditioners and furnaces that have less of a chance to produce carbon monoxide. New homes also come with smoke detectors and possibly carbon monoxide detectors. The paint used on the walls is lead free. Many times a new home will be equipped with a top line security system. Most of these things are not offered when you purchase an existing home.With new homes, you have a home that is your dream home and reflects your style and taste.
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How To Start A Business With Absolutely No Experience
One popular belief is that you need tons of experience, expertise, and knowledge to start a business. The opposite is true. While it helps to go to school and learn the tricks of the trade, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot start a business because you do not have a degree. The important things to remember are, you need to research, ask the right questions, and get the best advice you can.What are the right questions to ask? Below are ten questions to ask to get you started. Of course there will be many more as you go, but at least you have something to start with. First, you should ask yourself, how do you start a business without experience? Next is, what are some things you need to do to get started? The third question is, what are the legal matters you must know in order to get started? Fourth, what do you need to know about your target audience?Moving forward, five is, how do you commit yourself to a market solution, not just a small idea? Number six is, how do you choose your industry wisely? Seven asks how do you build street credibility (also what is it)? Eight is what free resources can you rely on? Nine is when will you know you need to see outside help? Last but not least, number ten is how do you put your strengths to work? Below I go more into detail with these questions.How To Start A Business Without Experience?Think about what you already know about business. Use your work experience as a guide. Maybe there are things you have witnessed or realized that was not part of your daily tasks which you can use for your business. For instance, have you ever listened to what others are saying while you are at the office? Whether you listen to coworkers or supervisors talking at work, there is most likely some bits about doing business that you have picked up on.You may not even be aware of some things you learned about doing business. Maybe you have heard complaints about what went wrong in the workplace – something you may have a solution for. Or maybe you heard someone say, “I wish ‘it’ can be done this way”; even though “it” can be done their way, they may have been told they weren’t allowed to.What are some things you need to do to get started?Research is the most important thing to do. First, ask the right questions. This is all part of the research process. You may research questions you need to have answers for if you do not know what questions to ask. It is okay to search on Google or Bing and quickly search for important questions to ask when starting a business.There are many resources on the Internet or your local library that you can use to get started. Make certain your sources are reliable however. If you are reading an article and you can sense the information is totally outrageous, then you can come to a quick conclusion that it is probably not the right source to use.When reading any article, however, make a note of the different points it makes. Whatever is clear and understandable is fine, but whatever you do not understand, take that point and do more research on it. See if what was written was also said by somewhere else. Sometimes having a few people say the same or similar things can give you an indication the information may be something worth keeping in mind.Another thing you will need to get started is legal advice. Never assume that what you learned where you work or what you think is okay is legal. Start off on the right foot and do business according to the law. You want to avoid being that person who did something illegal and now has a reputation as such plastered all over the World Wide Web.What are the legal matters you must know in order to get started?It is impossible to know everything about the law. Speak to a lawyer if they give free consultations and ask them what you should know. Ethics play a role here too. There are many gray areas which are prevalent in ethics. For instance, what do you tell a customer if you promised them a shipment by a certain date even though you already knew there is a possibility it cannot be fulfilled? You already promised it, but you know it may not happen.If you say you are going to do something, you need to do it. That is the bottom line. Give your customers quality products in a timely manner. Do not always rush to get the job done. Sometimes there are moments when you have to rush, but don’t let it happen if it is not necessary. For the most part, the only time you will need to rush is when the customer requests it.What do you need to know about your target audience?What are their interests? Do some research and see if there are any typical or general interests the target audience has. If you already know them or know their interests, then you are ahead of the game. Of course, since you are the expert in your niche, or should be, you will know a lot about their interests already.You can do some research on social media to find out what their interests are as well. Facebook has groups and so does Twitter. Find a group related to your niche and observe it to see what people are talking about. Use this as advice on what types of products or services to market as well.The best advice for using social media groups to learn more about your target audience is not to join any group and post on there asking all kinds of questions. For instance, you don’t want to join a group and then ask everyone to give their opinion about their favorite game, or gadget. Just observe first, and then engage in the conversation as you would with a friend. Get to know people first, and then ask them questions here and there. It is all about patience.How do you commit yourself to a market solution, not just a small idea?You need to ask yourself certain questions before trying an idea to see if it works. What problems does your target market have? Once you can pinpoint the problem, then you can look for solutions. Most likely, you will not find any market without faults. There are plenty of problems that need to be resolved. Even the competition cannot resolve every issue out there.Many entrepreneurs begin with a lot of “strong domain” experience but little to no business experience. Being in business is about finding solutions. That is what sets the strong businesses apart from the others. You do not want to sell just anything because you observe that it makes someone else nice profits.You have to have a passion about it for one thing, and you want to give them something that will resolve an issue they may have. This issue can be from something they bought somewhere else, or it can be an issue they have had for a period of time and need a solution for it. There may not even be a problem, so it may just come down to differentiating your product from the rest.How do you choose your industry wisely?Choose something that does not just interest your target market. You should have an interest in it too. More than just a little interest, you need to like the products or services that are out there in the market. If you do not like the products or services the market has to offer, how will you feel when you are doing business with the people who are interested in them?I would say you would not seem too enthusiastic to your customers and potential customers. People will pick up on that and it can break the business relationships you worked so hard to make. So please do yourself a favor and do not get wrapped up in an industry that you do not have an utmost passion about.How do you build street credibility (cred for short)?You need to let people know who you are. This pertains to building relationships with your customers, and since you are new with the business, you will build relationships with potential customers. Spend some time before launching your big business idea learning more about your industry and the people who spend money there.You can always try selling other people’s products first – as an affiliate marketer and learn something new about the products you sell them. When you have enough knowledge and you are talking about the product online (such as on your blog), this will help build street credibility as the people who read it will feel you know what you are talking about.What free resources can you rely on?Networking is a great free resource. Talking to others in the industry and learning new things about it will be to your advantage. You should also ask for advice. Before you jump right in and start asking for advice however, break the ice with some small talk first. Get to know some people before asking a lot of business questions.In fact, you can treat this more like a social outing because you do not want to only try to get information from people. This may actually turn them off and they will not want to give you any information.Other than networking, you can also consider resources that are low cost instead of free. Sometimes Universities offer free or low cost coursework, books, or seminars. I would definitely look into this if you were not sure how to network. Here is where you can ask a bunch of questions because that is what is encouraged at school.When will you know you need to seek outside help?As you should realize, you will need a business plan. When creating your business plan, it is always best to ask for help with it. For example, a gentleman named Evan Solida founded a company called Cerevellum back in early 2009. His invention was a digital rear-view mirror for bicycles.Naturally, Mr. Solida wanted to save money any way he could, so he used Internet resources to create his plan and also draft his legal documents. With much frustration and use of a lot of his time, he then decided it would be better to pay for a professional to help with both tasks.The business plan needs to meet certain criteria; especially if this is a business you need a grant for or a small loan. Banks and agencies that approve grants want to see a solid plan before they take the risk to lend or give you money. It is the same thing when you or anyone else will invest in a company. You want to see their annual report, which gives you this information and more.You know that investing in any company is a risk, but you should not want to take too much of a risk. You also do not want to risk that your business plan is of poor quality. Not just for your customers’ sake, but for the future of your business. All the financials and marketing need to be taken care of from the start. Otherwise, you will need to back track and it will waste a lot of valuable time which you could be spending making money.How do you put your strengths to work?Think about what your strengths really are. Is it planning the business, giving creative ideas, or being the solutions finder? Maybe your strength is marketing, but whatever your strengths are, put them to work for you. Work on the strengths first and when you have mastered one, then you can move on to another. Otherwise, it will take you much longer to get things running smoothly.Putting a business together takes time and patience. Do not try to put it together too quickly. You want to be focused and organized, as this will help you to be “well planned.” A business with a strong plan is more likely to succeed than something you just threw together in an hour.For your InformationNow you know at least ten questions to ask. These questions were given to you for basic information and a foundation to get started. Now I want to give you some ideas as to what goes into a business plan. This is so you know what to expect and you can at least try and draft one on your own. Remember, it is best to get a professional to do this for you, but you still need to know what goes into it so you know if the one written for you has everything it should.Below I am going to list different sections of the business plan and explain a little but about each section. The more you know about the business plan, the better prepared you will be. Remember, if you want to start a business without experience, this is where you can learn much of the information you will need to get started. So let us move forward.Not all business plans are created equal, but you will at least have basic information to include. Once you begin your plan, it will change over time and also remember; you will not know everything that needs to be included as to why I suggest getting a professional to help with it. Below are some sections you will want to include.Executive SummaryThe executive summary will tell the person reading the plan what you want for your business. A big mistake often made is burying this information somewhere else in the plan. The summary needs to explain certain things from the start so you need to be clear and concise in the very beginning.Keep the summary short and businesslike and no more than half of a page. Depending on how complicated or detailed you need to be about how you will use your funds may make the summary a bit longer. As a general rule of thumb however, and since you are just starting out, you only need your summary to be half of a page.There are some other key elements that need to be included in the plan. They are as follows: business concept, financial features, financial requirements, current business position, and major achievements. These are not the ones I will focus on too much, but just something to keep in mind.Business DescriptionNot to be confused with the executive summary, you usually begin this section with a short description of the industry. So this is not really beginning with just your business, but rather how the industry plays a role in your business.You will want to describe the industry and discuss the outlook and future possibilities of what will go on. This is all gathered from what happened in the past, so it is a prediction of what could happen or is most likely to happen because of business trends. Also, provide information about all the various markets within the industry.So what you want to talk about is new products and developments that will benefit or affect your business in a positive way. Make sure to get the most reliable data for this part and always list your sources. I’ll talk more about sources later in this article, as they are important, but I want the focus to be on the different sections of the plan first.How you will ProfitThe main reason for having a business is to make a profit. All businesspersons need to ask themselves, “How do I make money?” When you ask this question, it should open your mind and help you realize the different ways to bring in income. You do not need a huge section just on this topic, but you want to explain factors, which you think will make you successful in making money.Before presenting the business plan, you want to explain any equity and debt the business will incur and also explain how this will help make your business more profitable. Also include ways you want to expand your business or make it grow using the equity or debt. As an Internet marketer, you probably will not incur much debt or any at all. It depends solely on what you need to get started.Defining your Market StrategiesMarketing strategies are based on a thorough study of the market. This will help you become very familiar with all parts of the market, including the target market. Defining whom your target market is will be very important so you can earn your share of the sales.When you are defining your market strategies, you will need to, at some point, determine the pricing of your products and or services. A market analysis will help you to determine the pricing. It is also important to know how you compare to your competition and if you can beat them in pricing or not.Market Share ProjectionAs mentioned earlier, when you are describing your industry of choice, you want to discuss the outlook and future possibilities. This information will be gathered on past happenings. So your projections are based on what happened previously in the industry.Believe it or not, your market share projection is also based on your competition as well as promotional strategies. You can look at how much advertising is done, how it is done, and also research how much it will cost you to advertise the same way. You can always come up with different ways to advertise, but you need a benchmark to start out from.Position of the BusinessWhen talking about your marketing strategy, you will find it is impossible not to talk about the position of your business. What motivates your target and what they require will affect your company’s position in the market. Again, there are more questions that need to be asked and answered to understand this better.A few questions to ask are: how are your competitors positioning themselves? What specific attributes do your products and services have that the competition does not have? What needs does your product fulfill for the customer? After you answer these basic questions, you can then begin to develop your business’ position in the market and write about it on the plan.PricingI’ve touched a little about pricing earlier, but now I want to give you more detail about it. The price tag you place on your items, whether it is a product or service, will directly affect the success of your business. Strategies for pricing can be very complex, however, the rules are very basic and straightforward.You must be able to cover costs, lowering costs will lower sales prices, and prices must reflect changes in the market and respond to the demand of your market. Prices must also be established to help assure sales. The longevity of your products, utility, and maintenance must be reviewed on a regular basis and adjust the prices according to the market.Prices are used to keep the market in order, so this is the last, but not least important strategy to keep in mind when determining your prices. You do not want to just slap a price tag on something because you think people will buy it for the value of it. You have to be in competition with other businesses and play the game strategically.DistributionThis part is for you, mainly if you are selling physical goods. Since there are many of you out there that may sell goods on eBay or your own website or blog, this is why I need to talk about this section. So what is distribution exactly? It is the entire process of when a product is manufactured to when it is in the hands of the end user – the customer. There are different channels that make up distribution.Having a strong distribution of products definitely helps you get an edge in your share of the market. The fast the products can go from production to the customer the better. Make sure the products are of quality though because you do not want the customer constantly returning the goods.Promotional PlanningAdvertisements of any kind are all included in the promotional planning. How you distribute the communication about your business is also part of it. The way in which this is designed will result in attracting the right people to do business with.Some other things that you may not be aware of that are part of promoting your business is how you package your products. Public relations are also included here. Most of the things you are familiar with are advertising, sales promotions, and personal sales. Each strategy is different in its own respect, but very important in the final outcome of the promotion.Potential SalesAfter thoroughly analyzing the market, you need to make a determination using a quantitative outlook, which concerns your own business’, potential. An initial projection in your plan must be formed based on the position of the product, price, distribution (for physical goods), sales strategies, and how the market is defined.Competition AnalysisYou first need to identify who your competition is. Gather a list of companies that sell the same products or ones that are very similar. For this section, you will make a statement of your business strategy and how it relates to your competition. The main purpose of this part is to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your competition. Knowing this will only help you improve the weaknesses for your own sake.S.W.O.T. AnalysisA S.W.O.T. analysis is very important for developing your business and keeps it running to its full potential. For those of you who are not familiar with what this is, “S” stands for strengths, “W” is for weaknesses, “O” is for opportunities, and “T” is for Threats. You not only need to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your competition as you do with competitive analysis, but you also have to realize your own.The opportunities and threats are more directly related to your competition. You can look at it as the opportunity you have in the midst of all the competition and what it is about your competition that can be a threat to your own place in the market.Design PlanInvestors need a description of your company’s product design and also its development. Within the section, there needs to be a chart showing the development of the product or service. You will also need to include a budget showing how the company will reach goals.Product and or Service Development GoalsIf you are selling physical products, you will need to list the goals here. You can also list the strategies involved for reaching certain goals for a service business. Your goals should be centered on technical and marketing aspects of your products and or services. You need this as an outline for your business partners, or for yourself if you are a sole proprietor, so you know how to work on things to reach your goals.BudgetBudgets are very important, as you want to make sure you have the funds available to do business in the first place. You also want to have a plan as you make money as to where the money will go in order to help your business grow and to continuously develop and improve it.If you are designing a product, you need to account for all the costs that will be involved in creating the product, take it to production, and get it to the customer. As for service, you will need to make sure you have the money to get a business plan written, what equipment you may need to help you with your services, and if you need a brick and mortar building to cater to the needs of your clients.Knowing how each dollar is being spent is very crucial. Proper planning can only help your business while poor planning is very destructive. I have learned that about half of all businesses started will fail within their first year. You can help avoid this with proper budgeting.Risk AssessmentWhat risks are involved in either producing products or offering services? During the stages of development of your product or service there will be some risks you need to be aware of. Risks involved with the creation of products usually happen with the technical development of the product. For services, it is usually in the strategies for planning the types of services you offer.Income StatementThis is a very simple and straightforward report, which shows your business’ cash generating abilities. It shows how well your company does in the financial spectrum and is a financial picture of when sales are made and when expenses occur. It helps you better plan for the future of your business as well.The income statement is a multi-purpose report giving you a bigger picture of how your business is doing overall. Always use this as a guide from year to year and you will get an idea of what changes need to be made.Other SectionsThere are other sections that need to be written in the business plan. There is just no way to talk about all of them in detail here. I simply talked about some sections that I feel are very important to get started with. All the sections of the business plan play an important role in the overall planning of your business from start to finish.Some other sections that were not mentioned above are as follows:
Scheduling and Costs
Operations and Management
And more
To find out everything you need in your plan, you have to talk to a professional and do a thorough research about it. You may not be able to include everything you want, and different business types require different information to be included in the plan.SourcesYou will need reliable sources to get the information for your business plan. Reliable sources do not include blogs or articles you found in article directories. You can use them to get some information, but you will need to research more on what they tell you. You should never list them as a source for your plan though.Another source you can use to get basic information for this section is Wikipedia, but is should only be used as a base for the information. On sites like that, anyone can add and edit information so you are never sure how accurate it is, thus the reason not to list it as one of your sources.Reliable sources are peer reviewed articles, information gathered from networking with other business professionals, and consulting a professional who has been in the business for a long time that can write your plan.Checklist For Starting A Business With No ExperienceHere is a checklist of the different things you will need to get started on your business in a box. The most important is the business plan because you need to know what goes into production and what you need to get your services up and running.First, answer the following ten key questions:
How do you start a business without experience?
What are some things to do to get started?
What are the legal matters you must know in order to get started?
What do you need to know about your target audience?
How do you commit yourself to a market solution not just a small idea?
How do you choose your industry wisely?
How do you build street credibility?
What free resources can you rely on?
When will you know you need to seek outside help?
How do you put your strengths to work?
Also remember, the most important aspect to any business is to be well planned and prepared. The most important thing you can do for your business is to create a business plan. Ask yourself and answer these questions:
How do I write a business plan?
What are the sections to the plan?
How will each section help me?
Are all business plans created equal?
Where can I go to get a plan designed for me?
What else do I need to know?
Always be prepared as that is the most important thing to start a business. Think about how you learned to start a business with no experience by reading this article. If you read between the lines, all the information you need is out there. I have just gathered some information together to get you started. Nothing will happen instantly and everything you need to do will require some effort on your part.
Five Timeless Fashion Trends
The world of fashion changes every day and often it is necessary to get rid of the old to make room for the new. Many influential factors influence changes in trends and it’s a rare instance, especially in high fashion, when a trend can and does last forever. Timeless trends that will always be relevant in high fashion are equivalent to term diamonds in the rough.True red comes in many not so trendy forms, but it will be a staple in high end fashion until the end of time. Why red? It’s the Marilyn Monroe of colors and considered a power color with a strong sexual influence for passion. Let’s look at the facts: it’s the color of fire, the common rose, hearts, passion, love as well as embodying many more other symbolic meanings. In China, it symbolizes beauty and celebration and it is the color brides most commonly wear on their wedding day. Did I mention that it’s one of the top colors chosen by men? It’s true Venus will always be rising in the high fashion world.While on the subject of power, let’s add the well tailored pant suit. There are uncountable variations by numerous high fashion designers but there is one perfect fit for every woman. A good tailor is needed but not necessarily required. Women are powerful and a high end pant suit can be worn for almost any occasion with the right decorated accessories to accent. Try utilizing this trend if there is a powerful message that needs to be conveyed.A staple piece of jewelry in high end fashion is the right hoop earrings. This accessory will never go out of style. Whether you like silver, gold, big or small, find the perfect pair that fits you. Getting a few variations is a must. Jackie O, may god rest her stylish soul, received millions of dollars in diamonds and jewels from prestigious places and people, but her favorite piece of jewelry were a pair of petite double hooped dangle earrings that she received for less than $100 and wore most of the time. She was photographed wearing them on numerous occasions. It’s simply impossible to settle for just any hoop earring and there are many styles to choose from so it’s important to take precious time to find the perfect pair. When you do, you’ll be soul mates. As for me, I’m going to be buried in mine.The Clutch Purse is the queen bee of handbags. Which is very suitable considering the style was introduced to high society fashion during the Victorian Era. The fashion world had decided that the clutch was no longer in style and it diminished for decades until WWII. This was due to the shortages in materials and rationing. Since the clutch required fewer materials, it re-emerged in the fashion world. They’re dainty and they add a feminine touch to any style for any occasion.Thomas Burberry was the founder and creator of the first trench coat. They were designed specifically for the British Army and when the soldiers came home, they continued to wear them on the streets making them the pillar of street fashion for men. Epaulets and other accents were added and the trench coat was reborn and continued to transform for both genders. Today, almost every high end fashion designer makes a variation. This piece may be the most timeless style for both men and women today.New ideas and new trends in fashion are an exciting expectation to look forward to. It’s possible that innovative ideas can transform one’s world, for the good or the bad. Since the past is all we know, that is all we can reference. But there is one thing for sure and it’s these high fashion trends will be around forever, unless we become machines and robots. Sure, It could happen but it sure does give a whole new meaning to the word attachment.
Google Places Unleashed – Listing at the Top of Google Secrets Revealed
There are so many new make money related products showing up each month, it’s getting harder to keep up with all of them. Some have gained a lot of popularity; while others are just the same material rehashed (it’s like putting lipstick on a pig). However, Mario Brown’s new product is worth considering a review.In this review, I will explain what you will learn with Google Places Unleashed.What is Google Places Unleashed?It is a step-by-step system that teaches you how to help local businesses receive top rankings on Google’s search engine. You learn new strategies to contact these businesses, and ensure them that you can do the job, and how much it will be worth to their businesses.This course is a highly effective program that includes videos and manuals to walk you through the system step-by-step.What Does It Teach You?- Tactics to Avoid Rejection – There’s nothing worse than cold canvassing for clients. Many people are bombarded each day with offers from all over the Internet, through telemarketers, and junk mail. So, how will you fit in? You will be shown special tactics that allow you to bypass cold-calling and dealing with clients face-to-face.- Residual Checks – Learn how to receive stacks of residual checks each and every month. The more clients you service successfully, the more recurring income you will receive. Hey, if you’re provided someone a service that is allowing their business to rake in thousands of dollars each month for showing up at the top of Google, they will definitely pay you to stay there.- How to Avoid Getting Banned by Google – It’s not possible to just spam your way to the top of Google, or use other underhanded, or illegal tactics. Google is always updating their algorithms and changing its policies to prevent people from cheating their system. However, there are some methods that you can use that will give you an unfair advantage, and you are shown exactly how to implement them.- Pricing Your Services – If you charge too much for your clients, you’ll scare many of them away. However, if you undercharge them, they will assume that your services must not be worth much, or you’re trying to scam them. Learn how much you should charge each time, and start picking up clients immediately.- How to Create an Eye Popping Multimedia Listing – You will learn how to create visual advertisement listings that look highly professional, so you can charge your potential clients more money. Marketing is a visual conception, so people associate your business with what they see and hear.-How to Rank Your Clients Higher on Google – In order to be on good terms with Google, there are certain things that you will need to do to help your clients listing rank high. Let’s face it, it is one thing to move your clients’ listings to the top, but it’s another thing to keep them there. If you can’t keep your clients listings near the top, you’re not going to be able to receive those recurring payments each month. Google Places Unleashed shows you the exact steps you need to take.- Easily Outrank Competitors – You are taught stealth tactics to piggyback off of your competitors’ listings, and then catapult above them. Why do you want to start from scratch and take months to build up your ranking, when it’s possible to do it in record time? This is a valuable tactic not only for your clients, but for businesses that you might own, too.Google Places Unleashed doesn’t make any wild claims about how much money you can make, but realistically shows you that if you apply the system correctly, you can make good money. After all, there are many businesses that would love to be at the top of Google’s search engine, but don’t know how. If you can prove that you can get them there, you can literally write your own checks!
Assistive Technology, Needs Assessment and Devices For Seniors and the Disabilities
Many senior citizens or people with disabilities or injuries make use of assistive technology-tools, products, or kinds of equipment that help people perform tasks and activities. They can be as simple as a hearing aid, a walker, or a magnifying glass, or as complex as a computer or motor scooter.More specifically, assistive technology or adaptive devices are services or instruments that help senior citizens or people with disabilities perform the activities they used to perform but must now perform differently. Anything that helps the elderly continue to do daily activities in the context of in home care is considered assistive technology.Assistive Technology Options and DevicesMany kinds of disabilities exist, so many kinds of assistive technology have been created to help people overcome a great range of disabilities. Some kinds of assistive technology are described below:
Adaptive switches. These are modified switches that senior citizens can use to adjust devices like air conditioners, power wheelchairs, etc. by using the tongue or voice.
Communication equipment. This is anything that helps someone send and receive messages, such as a telephone amplifier.
Computer access. This is special software that helps senior citizens access the Internet or basic hardware like a modified mouse or keyboard to make the computer more user-friendly.
Education. This category includes audio books, Braille writing tools, and resources for people to get additional vocational training.
Home modifications. This can include some remodeling to overcome physical barriers and live more comfortably. An example is constructing a ramp to allow wheelchair access.
Tools for independent living. This is anything that allows senior citizens to enjoy daily life without additional assistance. An example is a handicapped-accessible bathroom with grab bars in the bathtub.
Job-related items. This is any process or device that facilitates your job. This could include a special type of chair or pillow if you work at a desk or a back brace if you perform physical labor.
Mobility aids. This is any device that allows a senior citizen to move around more easily, including a power wheelchair, a wheelchair lift, or a stair elevator.
Orthotic or prosthetic equipment. This is a tool that compensates for a missing or disabled body part. This could include shoe inserts for someone with fallen arches or an artificial arm for someone who has undergone an amputation.
Recreational assistance. This is a method or device that enables people with disabilities to enjoy fun activities. A couple examples are swimming lessons from recreational therapists and specially made skis for senior citizens who have lost a limb.
Seating aids. This is a modification to a chair, wheelchair, or motor scooter that helps someone remain upright, move up and down without assistance, or decrease the amount of pressure on the skin. This could be as simple as an extra pillow or as complex as a motorized seat.
Sensory enhancements. These are devices that help people who are partially blind or deaf to participate in more activities. This could include a caption option on a television for a senior citizen who is hard of hearing.
Therapy. This could include equipment or processes that encourage and work toward recovery after an illness or injury. This may involve both services and technology, like having a physical therapist use a specialized massage unit to restore a more complete range of motion in stiff muscles.
Transportation assistance. This category includes devices for senior citizens that facilitate getting into and out of vehicles and driving safely, including adjustable mirrors, seats, and steering wheels. Drive-up windows at the department of motor vehicles that allow the elderly to maintain and register their vehicles are also included.
Now that you know what falls into the category of assistive technology, you may be wondering what the benefits are. For starters, many senior citizens view assistive technology as a way to live independently without worrying about having long-term elder care or living in a nursing home. It allows in home care to be conducted in areas of living such as bathing and going to the bathroom.Studies show that the majority of senior citizens who use methods of assistive technology have reduced their dependence on others, including paid assistance. Families may need to make monthly payments for this kind of equipment, but the costs are generally less than those associated with in home care or nursing homes. This means that assistive technology can reduce the cost of elder care for senior citizens and their families.Assistive Technology Needs Assessment in the ElderlyIs assistive technology right for you? Planning and assessment are important parts of deciding whether to use assistive technology since it can interfere with your current services or the way in which those services are provided.This assessment is most thorough when it involves many people within your spectrum of support. For instance, if you have trouble communicating or are hard of hearing, you may wish to consult with your doctor, an audiology specialist, a speech-language therapist, or other elder care provider to identify your specific problem and determine the plan that will best address your needs. If assistive technology is a part of this plan, your team can help decide which devices are appropriate for you, choosing the most effective tools at the lowest cost. Training to use the devices chosen may also be included in your plan.A case study shows the benefits of conducting a needs assessment and working with a team in terms of improving the quality of life of an elderly woman:A team worked together to help Christina find and buy a hearing aid that allowed her to hear well again. She could watch television again with the help of special magnification equipment and a telecaption decoder. More assistive technology allowed her to talk on the phone and use the computer like she used to. When combined with her hearing aid, assistive technology improved the quality and ease of Christina’s life.When you’re considering assistive technology, it’s helpful to look at both simple and complex solutions to find the one that’s best for you over a range of time. Complex, high-tech solutions may be more expensive, but they’re usually more adaptable if your needs change over time. Simple, low-tech solutions may be cheaper in the short-run, but they aren’t as adaptable. Before purchasing any expensive assistive technology, make sure it can be upgraded to change with your needs and upgraded as improvements are designed. Here are some questions to ask when considering assistive technology:
Which tasks do you need help with, and how frequently do you need help?
Which types of assistive technology will enable you to be most independent?
Is there a more advanced device that addresses more than one of your needs?
Does the manufacturer have a preview policy so you can try out the equipment and return it for credit if it isn’t what you need?
How do you expect your needs to change over the next six months? the next six years or longer?
Is the equipment up-to-date? Will it likely be off the market in the near future?
Which kinds of assistive technology are available that meet your needs?
Which types of assistive technology have you used before, and how did those devices work?
Will you always need help with a certain task, and can the device be adjusted to fit your needs as your condition changes?
Costs and Payment Options for Assistive TechnologyAnother important aspect of deciding whether you’d like to use assistive technology is cost and financing. Currently, no single private insurance plan or public program will cover the entire cost of assistive technology under any circumstances, but Medicare Part B can cover up to 80 percent of the cost of equipment that falls under the category of “durable medical equipment.” This includes devices that are “primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, and generally are not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury.”Some state-run Medicaid programs also cover some assistive technology. This may help you, but it will not cover the entire cost of buying an expensive device like a power wheelchair.If you’re a senior citizen who is eligible for veterans’ benefits, you may also want to explore the possibility of financial assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). This agency has an existing structure to pay for the large volume of devices it purchases, and it invests in training people to operate assistive technology.Other options to pay for assistive technology are private health insurance and paying with your own funds. Paying out-of-pocket is generally a viable option for simple items like modified eating utensils, but most senior citizens need assistance in paying for more complex devices. Another option is finding discounts, grants, or rebates from not-for-profit organizations or companies that want you to try a certain product that you might not otherwise consider. If you’re looking into this option, you may want to be careful-businesses with commercial interests have the potential to be fraudulent.Since private health insurance does not cover the entire cost of this equipment, you may want to look into subsidy programs, which can provide some kinds of assistive technology at a reduced cost or for free.
The Bank Won’t Back Your Business Because You Don’t Have a Communications Plan
A Communications Plan? “What is that?” I hear you asking. What am I getting at? Every business has stakeholders. Having a communications plan is all about how you maintain a “conversation” with the various stakeholders in your business. “Stakeholders” is simply a term that refers to anyone and everyone that has some role to play within or in conjunction with your organization – from the directors and shareholders to your customers, your suppliers, your financiers and even the community in which you operate your business.The number one issue with having and executing a communications plan is trust. It is impossible to run a successful business without maintaining the trust of its stakeholders. Regular, honest and meaningful communication is critical to a business’ ability to relay important messages to their stakeholders and to receiving vital feedback that will keep the business on track toward successfully executing its business plan. Effective communication is the key to developing and maintaining that most elusive of business talismans – “relationships”.Successful businesses (and business people) run on the rails of relationships and successful relationships run on the rails of effective communications. Good communication of critical issues can deepen relationships with key stakeholders – customers, prospects, suppliers, etc. Poor communication is a sure-fire way to destroy relationships or make it impossible to develop close relationships in the first place. While it is well documented that true communication is always a two-way street, having an effective communications plan for your business is decidedly about only one direction – your business communicating to your stakeholders effectively. You can only plan your communications – the stakeholders you are communicating to are ultimately responsible for their response to your communications. A great communications plan can, however, direct your stakeholders towards responding in the most positive manner possible.But why would the bank be interested in your communications plan and in whether or not you have one?What is it that makes a business with a clear communications plan more bankable than one that has an ad hoc approach to stakeholder communications? Well, first of all, if you’re looking to borrow some of the bank’s money, you are asking them to become one of the stakeholders in your business. If you have no structured and clear plan as to how you are going to communicate to your stakeholders, the bank has a good reason not to back you. Prove to the bank that you have the plans in place to effectively communicate with all of your stakeholders and you will go a long way toward convincing them that you are not going to become a “problem account” at the first sign of any unforeseen deviations from your well-thought out business plans.Listed below are the keys to an effective communications plan. See if you are already doing any of these things and consider starting to do some of the ones you’re not already doing.
Quickly communicate any good news to your stakeholders. Cost savings that you can pass on to your best customers. Exceeding your sales and profit targets. Awards that your business has just won. Anything that would make any of your stakeholders happy that they are doing business with your company.
Quickly (and completely) communicate any bad news to your stakeholders. I can hear the “What – are you nuts?” responses now. But remember, the whole point here, the “number one issue” is trust. Almost any bad news can be dealt with – especially when it is addressed quickly; destroyed trust tends to stay destroyed – forever.
Don’t forget to communicate with all of your stakeholders. That means your best clients, your favorite suppliers and the business banker that has endeared himself to you like a member of your very own family. But it also means your least favorite clients, the people that take some effort to keep in communication with because you just don’t have that natural rapport with them. The best part of this is that an effective communications plan might include communicating to your worst clients, suppliers or employees that they no longer need to carry the burden of being your clients, suppliers or employees. If some stakeholder in your business is making it impossible to deal with them (or simply making it more difficult to deal with your preferred stakeholders) – effective communication might include giving them the “thanks but no thanks” talk or explaining to them the conditions they will need to adhere to in order to continue being a stakeholder in your business.
Know how much communication each of your stakeholders actually wants. Some stakeholders might be fine with an annual letter updating them on anything new that would have an impact on them. Other stakeholders may want to be in constant contact. Some stakeholders, like your bank, might actually have you agree to loan covenants that require you to communicate specific financial information to them monthly or quarterly.
Be aware of your business’ obligations to communicate certain information to certain stakeholders. The best example of this situation is the Tax Office – get your communications plan wrong with them and you will not have to worry about your business’ communication plan for very much longer.
Effective communications means finding ways to create win-win situations with as many stakeholders as possible. With more communication and the enhanced relationships that will result from better communication, you should be able to uncover many ways to make all of the stakeholders involved better off. Think better trade terms, improvements in efficiency, sharing of market intelligence, more engaged employees, better reputation in the community – the possibilities are endless!
Make sure you don’t take any of your stakeholders for granted. It is important to communicate with everyone that has a stake in the operation of your business. There is a lot of talk out there about concentrating your attention on the magical “top 20%”, but you have to balance that with the fact that some of the stakeholders that aren’t making your top 20% today might be, potentially, in your top 20% in the years to come.
How Broad Should Your Investment Portfolio Be?
Depending on your short or long term objectives, you will need to identify your target before considering to invest your money and more importantly: knowing how much to invest.How do I know which investment duration to choose?This all depends on your financial needs. If you believe that you will need to have access to your investment at any given time, you shouldn’t take any risks and should always opt for investments which don’t require your funds to frozen for any period of time. Liquid investments are always key in this instance.However, if you have other investments which are liquid and want to invest additional funds, then you could always opt for longer term investments (5 to 10 years) which leaves your doors open to more choices. Although longer investments sometimes involve slightly higher risk, the rewards are significantly higher than those of short-term investments.Let’s take a look at various investment lengths and what they mean for you:Short term:Professional investors and fund managers will generally classify a short-term investment as one which lasts 3 years or less. Those usually include a saving account, a money market fund or any other type of investment which offers you some sort of guarantee on your investment’s time frame. Although you don’t really benefit from high payouts, the main advantage of this type of investment is security of your funds.Medium term:Usually lasting between 3 to 8 years, a medium-term investment still contains minimized risk over the period of time of your investment, while the rewards are slightly higher than those mentioned in the previous point. With a good diversification of your funds and well thought-out placement of your investment in commodities, you can get a healthy return on your investment.Long term:Usually going beyond 8 years, long-term investments make time your best friend. This allows you to invest in markets which usually contain volatility in the short-term but which are historically the most profitable in the long term, given that they always get back to their original level before finding new peaks.Finding your own objectives:Your objectives are not only defined by the length of your preferred investment choices, but also by the amount of capital that you have. There are usually two types of investment: one which aims to generate capital from a low sum, and one which entails investing a large sum of money in order to generate periodic returns on that large investment. You should also always ask yourself what your goal is; if it’s to save for a house, retirement, or your kid’s college fund, avoid any risky investment which may hinder your goals.How’s your temper?Even if you find the perfect time frame and know exactly how much you’re going to invest, an investor’s nerves can sometimes be their own worst enemy. If a loss of 10% of your funds will stress you out, you’re better off opting for a safe investment which will not stress you out as much. Placing long-term investment in diamonds is the preferred method of many people simply because it is a safe method which gives you a steady return every year.
How is Parkinson’s Disease Treated?
Parkinsons disease is a comparatively common condition of the nervous system which is as a result of problems with the nerve cells in the part of the brain which generates dopamine. This is a chemical substance that is needed for the smooth management of muscles and motion, so the symptoms of the disorder is a result of a reduction of that chemical. Parkinson’s disease mostly impacts individuals aged over 65, but it can and does come on at younger ages with 5-10% developing before the age of forty.
The chief clinical features of Parkinson’s disease are a tremor or shaking, that will commences in one arm or hand; there is often a muscle rigidity or stiffness along with a slowness of motion; the stance gets more stooped; additionally, there are equilibrium concerns. Parkinson’s can also cause greater pain and result in depression symptoms and create problems with memory and sleep. There isn’t any specific test for the diagnosis of Parkinson’s. The identification is usually made primarily based on the history of the symptoms, a physical along with neural evaluation. Other reasons for the signs and symptoms also need to be eliminated. There are imaging assessments, such as a CAT scan or MRI, that can be used to eliminate other issues. From time to time a dopamine transporter diagnostic might also be utilized.
The actual cause of Parkinson’s isn’t known. It does appear to have both genetic and environmental elements with it plus some specialists think that a virus may induce Parkinson’s as well. Decreased amounts of dopamine and also norepinephrine, a substance which in turn is responsible for the dopamine, have already been found in those with Parkinson’s, but it is not yet determined what is causing this. Unusual proteins which are named Lewy bodies have been located in the brains of those who have Parkinson’s; nevertheless, experts don’t know what role they may play in the development of Parkinson’s. While the specific cause just isn’t known, studies have identified risk factors that establish groups of people who are more prone to develop the condition. Men are more than one and a half times more prone to get Parkinson’s as compared to women. Caucasians are much more prone to get the condition as compared to African Americans or Asians. Those who have close members of the family who have Parkinson’s disease are more likely to develop it, implying the inherited contribution. A number of toxins could raise the potential for the problem, implying a role of the environment. People who experience difficulties with brain injuries can be more likely to go on and have Parkinson’s disease.
There is no identified remedy for Parkinson’s disease. That will not imply that the signs and symptoms can’t be handled. The main method is to use medicines to raise or replacement for the dopamine. Balanced and healthy diet together with frequent exercise is crucial. There may be changes made to the surroundings at home and work to keep the individual involved as well as active. There are also some options sometimes for brain surgical treatment which can be used to relieve some of the motor symptoms. A diverse team of different health professionals are often involved.
Understanding the Impacts of Gout
Gout is among those historical problems because there are numerous mentions of it in historical literature, at least since ancient times. The traditional typecast of it is that it is related to the upper classes that binge in alcohol and certain foods. This image was pictured in early art work illustrating people who had gout. Gout has stopped being viewed as a problem of over consumption, because of the current research demonstrating an important genetic component to it.
Gout is a distressing inflammation related disorder which mostly impacts the joints, most commonly the great toe joint with the feet. It is because of uric acid crystals getting placed in joints in the event the bloodstream uric acid quantities are increased. The uric acid comes from the breakdown of purines which come from the consuming of foods like venison, salmon, tuna, haddock, sardines, anchovies, mussels, herring along with alcohol consumption. It is possible to understand how that old misconception was produced according to the overindulgence of the higher classes in those types of food and alcoholic beverages. The actual problem is not really the quantity of those foods which can be consumed, but the actual genetics of the biochemical pathway which usually breaks the purines in these food items down into the uric acid and how your body deals with it.
While diet is still important in the treating of gout and lowering the quantity of food which have the purines with them continues to be considered essential, however it is becoming apparent recently that this is just not sufficient by itself and just about all those who have gout probably will need pharmaceutical management. It goes without saying that drugs are likely to be needed for relief of pain throughout an acute flare up. The acute phase of gout is extremely painful. Over the long term there are two forms of drugs which you can use for gout. One kind of medicine block chemicals in the pathway which splits the purines into uric acid, which simply implies there will be much less uric acid in the blood stream that could find its way in to the joints to trigger an acute episode of gout or lead to the long-term gout. The other main kind of drug is one that can help the renal system remove much more uric acid. This would also reduce the urates in the bloodstream. Generally, only one of those drugs is all that’s needed, however occasionally both are needed to be utilized at the same time. Since these prescription medication is ordinarily pretty successful, that will not indicate that the life-style and eating habits changes may be pushed aside. Local measures, including wearing good fitting shoes if the big toe joint gets too painful is important. Also ice packs during an acute flare up will also help with the relief of pain.
How To Approach Removing Asbestos Removal in Sydney
Planning to renovate your home built decades ago? Well, you got to be careful! There is a good chance it may have asbestos. This is a popular building material used throughout Australia before it was completely banned in 2003.
Asbestos is not generally considered hazardous. In fact, homeowners are only allowed to remove up to ten square meters of non-friable asbestos. More than that, people are advised to seek professional help, especially handling friable ones. Because of the health risks involved, DIY removal is considered illegal.
This is particularly prohibited in Sydney. Hence, the expertise of your trusted asbestos removalists is required to handle the dangerous job.
Why Removing Asbestos Can Be Dangerous?
There are many DIY ideas. Some are equally fun. Whilst, others can be hazardous, like removing asbestos by yourself.
Here are some reasons why removing asbestos without proper knowledge can be dangerous:
Exposure to diseases
Small quantities of asbestos are present in the air most of the time and are being breathed in by everyone without ill effects. But, exposure to high levels of asbestos for a long time is pretty serious. It can cause asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma.
Accidents and Injuries
Asbestos is used in cement sheeting, drainage and pipes, guttering, and even roofing. But, asbestos roofing can become fragile over time. Hence, you might risk breaking it apart, releasing harmful fibres into the air. Also, a single sheet of asbestos can weigh 30-50 kilograms. Such weight can cause injuries.
Wrong removal and ill-fitting equipment
You may not know the proper ways to remove asbestos, exposing you to very harmful fibres. And the recommended removal equipment is quite expensive. You don’t have to deal with it on your own.
How Much Does It Cost To Remove Asbestos?
Asbestos removal can be pretty costly. It is determined by the type and size of the area, as well as the amount of debris to be removed. The safety risks of asbestos also increase the cost, especially when friable asbestos is involved. But health is wealth. It is always worth the price.
Most junk removalists in Sydney are priced from $99.99 per cubic metre, however, given the highly dangerous nature of asbestos, prices may be higher. It’s important to receive a few quotes before proceeding with an asbestos removal service.
How To Find The Right Asbestos Removal Provider?
There are a few key things you can do right now to ensure that your search for a provider is a successful one. They include:
Check Online Reviews
Does the asbestos removal service provider have an abundance of positive Google reviews? Check the history of their reviews to make sure that they are in-fact, legitimate. Businesses with legitimate reviews tend to have a stream of reviews that span across years of their lifetime; not just all within a few months.
Service Locality
Hiring a local asbestos removal business is always best. This ensures that you receive the best pricing as the business is local and nearby to your location. Typically, local businesses tend to take more pride in their workmanship as a positive reputation is key to their ongoing success.
Number of Years in Business
Given the highly dangerous nature of asbestos, it’s important to check how long the business has been in operation. A business who has over 10 years servicing the local community may provide cheaper pricing, given that they likely will have more refined practices.
Take your time while in search of a suitable asbestos removal provider. Due-dilligence is important and always shop around for the best quotes.